Briniton of over the rainbow shines a light on the chaos that is local grocery shopping in sunny Queensland - D.
"When I see Scotch Fillet steak priced at $29 kg Yes I guess I am being ripped off. Rib Eye Fillet same sort of prices but then Rib Eye is the better cut. Not that I can afford to ever buy it I just dream about buying it.We recently had in the grocery flyers within a 10km radius 4 different prices for mince on special. What really gets my goat is that we have 2 stores different names but still both owned by the same company and at times both sell the others products. It is not unusual to see Tomatoes for instance $1.99 a k at one shop and at $4.99 at the other. Go Figure.Rip off ?yes indeed."
Posted by: Bringiton of over the rainbow 7:11am July 30, 2009
Comment 16 of 85
yeah. 'go figure'