Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Monday, 24 August 2009
"The amily is now trying to buy "Corby" out o jail? How Crass is that!!!!, put her in a mental asyllum in Indonesia!!!! Crystal? Champagne or whats her face has miles of $$$$ to get family there and see her!!!! Whats the worry? Why do we even care?????? We are putting 10000's of troups overseas and killing inocent people!!!!!! We are becoming 1 of the most disliked nations cause we cant mind our own business!!! Get a lie and dont do drugs, and better still! spend ur money here on tourism!!!"
Comment 44 of 86
Sunday, 23 August 2009
"Minimising tailgating is one of the key road-safety benefits that Daylight Saving delivers around the world, and South East Queensland motorists would equally benefit. University qualified studies show daylight saving improves driver visibity and therefore response times to HELP MINIMISE UNINTENTIONAL TAILGATING AND ACCIDENTS. LABOR ARE UP FOR A POLITICAL ACCIDENT OF THEIR OWN AT THE NEXT ELECTION FOR IGNORING THIS SOUTH EAST QLD ROAD SAFETY BENEFIT."
Comment 101 of 203
Friday, 21 August 2009
"He's right and wrong. Definately right about the "lower class leftovers", as Ipswich is a truly horrible place. Almost as awful and horrid as Caboolture and Depression Bay. But he's kidding himself if he thinks Ipswich people want to live on the Gold Coast, as it's awful too, and it would be safer to live somewhere off the coast of Somalia, or South Central Los Angeles."
Comment 8 of 43
Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Dieter has a real gift for using his incredible historical insights to put serious issues into perspective - D.
"What a load of crock - there is no such thing as global warming - it is nothing more than a blip in weather - remember the earth is 10 000 years old and weather has always changed a bit. It will be back to normal within a few years regardless of what we do."
Posted by: Dieter Moeckel of Banimanimunak Q'ld 12:15pm August 18, 2009
Comment 63 of 69
Monday, 17 August 2009

'Drop your guts at home pls' shines a light on the horrors that lurk in the darkest corners of everyone's mind - D.
"Here is the solution. Public toilets should only be used for Number Ones. Number Twos should be done at home. I'm sick of walking into toilets for a quick pee and being assaulted by someone's putrid stench or disgusting skid marks. It's enough to make you gag. Then the person after you thinks you did it. The queue's will be shorter too and less paper will be used."
Posted by: Drop your guts at home pls of A cubicle near you 2:04pm August 14, 2009
Comment 28 of 29

Nigel of Gold Coast brings out the red rag amid some lucid insights into Queensland culture- D.
"Bonestorm 12:41pm today Comment 158 of 175 - The one important issue with your whole blog is the assumption that I really care about your opinion of me. Sunnylady comment 151 typifies the mentality in its most pure form. The southerners didnt move up here to get yours or anyone elses approval they moved up here because the weathers a bit nicer and to dramatically increase the IQ average of the state and to provide alternate dating options outside the immediate and extended family for the people of QLD"
Posted by: Nigel of Gold Coast 1:42pm today
Comment 180 of 235
Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Thankfully, Trapper has made a list of quite specific requests to avoid confusion on the 'big day' - D.
"Dear aliens please bring cures for the following, stephen conroy, Anna Bligh, unemployment, die hard party voters, people who think all young drivers are hoons who should have thier [sic] car crushed and god fearing bible thumpers. The last one you would only need to bring yourselfs. [sic] Thanks in advance Trapper"
Posted by: Trapper 1:46am today
Comment 6 of 16
Monday, 10 August 2009

At least David's Human Resources Department doesn't exclude poor spellers from their esteemed ranks - D.
"If they were to get a haircut, remove their nose, tongue and face peircings, have a shower more than twice a week and get laser treatment to remove the tattoes from their faces and necks they might stand a chance of getting a job. Oh and learning to read, write and talk properly without every second word being either 'like' or 'f##k' would also improve their employment prospects."
Posted by: Michael of Bribie 11:55am today
Comment 49 of 65
Wednesday, 5 August 2009

David has had his keen eye on the short spikey gelled hair problem and the decline of Larrikinism for a while - D.
"The rising violence seems to be coincinding with the rise of this new breed of young Aussie male. You know the guys they have spent too much time in the gym have short spikey gelled hair, tight shirts, have an arm band tattoo, most likely using pills because it has less carbs than beer, never have a smile on their face and have seen the bra boys movie too many times.
Going out isn't about having a few beers and a good time anymore, it's about picking up or getting in a fight. The Aussie Larakin [sic] is dead!"
Posted by: David Lockwood 12:47am today
Comment 4 of 111
Tuesday, 4 August 2009

He might be riled up, but at least BigAl of Palmwoods of Palmwoods irons his own shirts. I wonder how came to be 'full-bloodied'? - D.
"As a full-bloodied male I find this study offensive. I work 50 hours a week, vacuum the house on weekends, sweep the floor, dust the dust, do the shopping once a week, wash up occasionally, take the rubbish bins out, clean the car, cook meals on the barbecue, clean the gutters and do all my own ironing (you can't trust a woman with a shirt).
What does my wife do? She cooks most meals during the week, washes up most of the time, washes the clothes, does occasional shopping. End of story. No, she doesn't work!
Needless to say we have a long-lasting and loving relationship of over 30 years and it is not representative of this ridiculously biased study."
Posted by: BigAl of Palmwoods of Palmwoods 12:23pm today
Comment 63 of 66
Monday, 3 August 2009

John Boy is a relatively good speller and is relieved that blokes in Queensland are finally taking their coffee seriously - D.
"You blokes stick to your guns. I would love to go to a cafe anywhere and ask for a cup of coffee and that is exactly what I got. No more skinny this and half baked that. A simply [sic] coffee is what I want. I agree that all of the frills slow service down. There are literally thousands of shops if you want a frothy milk. Go to one of them. I reckon you blokes will get a good crowd who are happy without the cups of milk with there [sic] meal."
Posted by: John Boy of Central Qld 5:19am July 28, 2009
Comment 6 of 26
Saturday, 1 August 2009

t gibson of goodna spells out a paradise lost - D.
"welcome to qld were [sic] everything gets to [sic] exspensive [sic] , no wonder peaple [sic] are struggling to buy here everything has gone up 10 fold just to live here rego fuel food road tolls qld used to be a paradise to buy in cheep [sic] to live thanks to anna ripoff it all costing to [sic] much, it wont be long before peoale [sic] are leaving by the 1000s instead of arriving by the 1000s"
Posted by: t gibson of goodna 10:10am July 27, 2009Comment 19 of 3
"What I wont to read about is billions of dollars being invested into solo energy, Australia is the dryest country on the planit and all along there sitting in the sky above is the the greatest sauce of power ever ? But man has to be smart enough to reach out and master this great sauce of enegy The Sun?"
Comment 41 of 65