Friday, 4 September 2009


Thankfully we have Clem to bring some common sense to the DST debate - D.

"If the stupid idiots against D.S.T. can show me a cow who can tell the time ising a clock, I will believe they would be confused?? As for " Fading the curtains.???Open your eyes you idiots. Throw your clock in the rubbish bin,?? and you know something,??? The Sun will STILL rise tomorrow morning at the time IT chooses, and YOU CLOWNS cannot stop it.. Never mind, "The smart State. all year 5 years behind rest of World, D.S.T. ADD one extra hour. Oh yeah,??? how the Hell do the birds sleep in the Arctic/ Antarctic, when it is daylight 24 hours a day.??? People ALL round the World manage, but NOT in Q'land.?? And they will also vote Cap't Bligh back next election,??? Need I say more. Where do some Aussies park brains?? Disgusted Oldie from Banora Point. (In N.S.W., where we cope with D.S.T."

Posted by: Clem Eddy 11:48am September 03, 2009
Comment 25 of 125,23836,26020292-953,00.html

Tuesday, 25 August 2009


Fair suck of the sauce bottle! John finally adds some flavour to the often dry discussion on solar power. - D. 

"What I wont to read about is billions of dollars being invested into solo energy, Australia is the dryest country on the planit and all along there sitting in the sky above is the the greatest sauce of power ever ? But man has to be smart enough to reach out and master this great sauce of enegy The Sun?"

Posted by: John McNicol of north queensland 9:18am August 19, 2009
Comment 41 of 65

Monday, 24 August 2009


With astonishing clarity, IQ150+ of Australia spells out the unambiguous link between mental health, drug trafficking and foreign policy - D.

"The amily  is now trying to buy "Corby" out o jail? How Crass is that!!!!, put her in a mental asyllum in Indonesia!!!! Crystal? Champagne or whats her face has miles of $$$$ to get family there and see her!!!! Whats the worry? Why do we even care?????? We are putting 10000's of troups overseas and killing inocent people!!!!!! We are becoming 1 of the most disliked nations cause we cant mind our own business!!! Get a lie and dont do drugs, and better still! spend ur money here on tourism!!!"

Posted by: IQ150+ of Australia 7:45pm August 24, 2009
Comment 44 of 86

Sunday, 23 August 2009


Thankfully, Tailgaiting of South East Queensland reminds us of the too-often ignored role of Daylight Savings in the tailgaiting issue - D.

"Minimising tailgating is one of the key road-safety benefits that Daylight Saving delivers around the world, and South East Queensland motorists would equally benefit. University qualified studies show daylight saving improves driver visibity and therefore response times to HELP MINIMISE UNINTENTIONAL TAILGATING AND ACCIDENTS. LABOR ARE UP FOR A POLITICAL ACCIDENT OF THEIR OWN AT THE NEXT ELECTION FOR IGNORING THIS SOUTH EAST QLD ROAD SAFETY BENEFIT."

Posted by: Tailgating of South East Queensland 11:08am today
Comment 101 of 203,23836,25966063-952,00.html

Friday, 21 August 2009


Bartman stands on the firestep of the front lines of Brisbanes suburban warfare - D.

"He's right and wrong. Definately right about the "lower class leftovers", as Ipswich is a truly horrible place. Almost as awful and horrid as Caboolture and Depression Bay. But he's kidding himself if he thinks Ipswich people want to live on the Gold Coast, as it's awful too, and it would be safer to live somewhere off the coast of Somalia, or South Central Los Angeles."

Posted by: Bartman 11:16am today
Comment 8 of 43,23836,25955882-3102,00.html

Tuesday, 18 August 2009


Dieter has a real gift for using his incredible historical insights to put serious issues into perspective - D.

"What a load of crock - there is no such thing as global warming - it is nothing more than a blip in weather - remember the earth is 10 000 years old and weather has always changed a bit. It will be back to normal within a few years regardless of what we do."

Posted by: Dieter Moeckel of Banimanimunak Q'ld 12:15pm August 18, 2009
Comment 63 of 69,23836,25941554-953,00.html

Monday, 17 August 2009


'Drop your guts at home pls' shines a light on the horrors that lurk in the darkest corners of everyone's mind - D.

"Here is the solution. Public toilets should only be used for Number Ones. Number Twos should be done at home. I'm sick of walking into toilets for a quick pee and being assaulted by someone's putrid stench or disgusting skid marks. It's enough to make you gag. Then the person after you thinks you did it. The queue's will be shorter too and less paper will be used."

Posted by: Drop your guts at home pls of A cubicle near you 2:04pm August 14, 2009
Comment 28 of 29,23836,25908710-23272,00.html