Friday, 4 September 2009


Thankfully we have Clem to bring some common sense to the DST debate - D.

"If the stupid idiots against D.S.T. can show me a cow who can tell the time ising a clock, I will believe they would be confused?? As for " Fading the curtains.???Open your eyes you idiots. Throw your clock in the rubbish bin,?? and you know something,??? The Sun will STILL rise tomorrow morning at the time IT chooses, and YOU CLOWNS cannot stop it.. Never mind, "The smart State. all year 5 years behind rest of World, D.S.T. ADD one extra hour. Oh yeah,??? how the Hell do the birds sleep in the Arctic/ Antarctic, when it is daylight 24 hours a day.??? People ALL round the World manage, but NOT in Q'land.?? And they will also vote Cap't Bligh back next election,??? Need I say more. Where do some Aussies park brains?? Disgusted Oldie from Banora Point. (In N.S.W., where we cope with D.S.T."

Posted by: Clem Eddy 11:48am September 03, 2009
Comment 25 of 125,23836,26020292-953,00.html

1 comment:

  1. Where is all the limited News duncan?? A bit slack now your engaged, too busy planing the wedding??
